Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Challenge as the word means something new breaking the monotony of ur life, indicating change and which is tough for a person to accept and come out as winner.But yes obviously it is part of life and it makes life more interesting. There is a famous saying " challenges are common to all but its the attitude which makes difference".When their is heavy rain every bird search for the shelter but its only Eagle which flies high and overcomes the heavy rain. So one should be strong enough to accept  challenges and overcome it. Challenges makes one stronger and instills one with courage.Challenges are not overcome by worrying about it or by crying, it is overcome with the right attitude. For instance, for a person roses have thorns but for me thorns have roses, so life is the way one takes it.Right attitude increases one's altitude.So, to sum up challenges are "BLESSING IN DISGUISE".

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