Monday, April 4, 2016

Grow from your trials!

It’s a common belief that life is not fair and it turns its ugly head at us. But the reality is completely opposite of what we think because life is not happening to us, it is responding to us. So, whatever we are thinking or believing, it is being  mirrored by life.     
  Many of us when faced by obstacles don’t overcome it rather we are consumed by them. As a result of which, we reduce our life and energy to zilch. Have we ever thought why are we confronted by obstacles? The reaason for so is that we need to grow and become wise with every obstacle. When we have a problem it is a way of universe to tell us that where you are, is not where you deserve to be.  It is asking us to leave that thing. We are asked to leave something because we are eyeing for stones but there are jewels in store for us. Accept the change and step into a better and new world.
        Change is inevitable, so welcome it and take it as a way to grow both mentally as well as spiritually. Change makes us grow  and  as  well as impart strength  to deal with  life’s happenings.  We grow with each experience and learning, with all happenings and mis-haps. It is part of life, so don’t stop it with your negative thoughts, have a will of a soldier and conquer all your battles. As a great person said, If you stop your growth, a day will come when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
     Whenever I am  faced by a  problem  I  remind  myself  that it is for  your own good, life is  better crafted by god than what we have crafted for ourselves. I read  somewhere, the afternoon knows what the morning never suspected likewise, I didn’t  know my real strengths until I overcame  obstacles and learn to trust  myself and the process of life because  what happens, happens  for a  reason and happens  for the best.
     I consider that I am growing and being strong because with every experience one 
grows and learns. I believe growth and strength goes hand in hand.  I never  knew  how  strong  I  was  until I overcame problems of  my  life. I am going to be  a learner throughout my life  because I believe the  day  one stops  learning,  one  stops  winning. I am going to have a smile on my face always as I have learnt to let go, trust myself and believe in god’s way of working.