Thursday, April 14, 2016

Which is your flame?

“Each person shines with his or her own light. No two flames are alike. There are big flames and little flames, flames of every color. Some people’s flames are so still they don’t even flicker in the wind, while others have wild flames that fill the air with sparks. Some foolish flames neither burn nor shed light, but others blaze with life so fiercely that you can’t look at them without blinking, and if you approach you shine in the fire.”
― Eduardo Galeano

I read this beautiful quote in, "the book of embraces" and it made me wonder about my flame.
We all have our flames, some are bigger others are little. So ever wondered which one is yours?
The flame is the fire which makes you stand out, which makes you unique, which makes you, YOU,
do you have that fire in you? If yes, what is it?
Is your fire bright, bright enough to remove all the darkness or is it flickering and growing with time?
What is your fire about?
Are you here to live a mediocre life or a life which you always desired?
What are you here for and what are you dying?

When Picasso became the painter his flame brightened and burnt so high that whoever came along was brightened in the light. When Bhagat singh died for India during the freedom struggle his flame was so wild and furious that he died happily and was reported to have a weight gain due to happiness.

We all are living is lie as only few of us have learnt to live while others are still surviving and learning how to just be a feather to the wind. So when do we all decide to be awaken from our long slumbers. When? when are we going to start living and creating our lives rather than being victim to our lives. When will we stop being small flames who hardly flicker and when we will blaze so high that we will leave a trail behind.

The answer to all the question lies in the present. If we want to do something then today is the day and this is the moment. There is no future and no tomorrow so stop living in an illusion rather start living in the now and make it your best ever!

No one has ever said that wild flames have got it easy but they always followed their passion and it has always been worth it. The flames have become bigger, brighter and wilder after every pursuit of passion.

To all my readers, wherever you are and whatever you are doing for now just reflect on your life and choose what do you want an unknow flickering flame or a wild one. So if it going to blaze your path and others then start with the very first thiing which comes to your mind. Wined up your delayed projects, go for the classes you always wanted and take the chance which you never took.

Cheers to impulsiveness and wildness!

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