Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Law of Attraction

It's been years we have been reading about law of Attraction since the book called 'Secret' came out in the market. It became a huge hit; a lot of people who's life hasn't changed have read that. The book said, law of attraction operates our lives, what we think we attract, if we think good we attract good and vice-versa. Moreover, it promises that with our thoughts we can attract anything in our lives be it job, relationships, money, house, etc. But 
my question is how many have you really manifested the perfect life you always wanted with help of this concept . Were you able to achieve what you wanted? Did you get the fancy job? Do you have a fabulous love life? Is your health perfect?
If not then did you lack information about law of attraction or you didn't understand how does it work?
My journey of manifestation started with the book called 'Secret' by Rhonda Byrne. The first time I read the book it gave me immense power and I thought now the universe is my genie and all that I wanted shall come to me in no time.
I started manifesting starting from learning driving to attracting a perfect love life.  Alas, nothing happened,years passed and everything remained the same.
Soon I thought this was all stupid and it was nothing more than fooling people around.
But one day I thought maybe I didn't have enough knowledge about it. Maybe I was naive and I lacked something. I started reading more books based on this concept called 'you attract what you think'(law of attraction). So basically I had gained knowledge that my thoughts manifest my world but I couldn't understand when my thoughts where aligned why couldn't anything work. Soon with a lot of study and meditation I realised, we don't attract what we think rather we attract what we are as 'Wayne Dyer' says.
I made this my bookmark and whenever I felt I wanted something I told myself that it's important to feel happy and abundant in the now, if I am not feeling abundant right now then I shall never feel so.
I am a firm believer of writing goals. So when I wanted a job I wrote it in my diary precisely what I wanted, starting from the type of organization to salary almost penning down all the details and believed it shall be given to me. Indeed I attracted the best job. Hurray! It worked. I would recommend everyone to do this. Just writing is not sufficient, after writing I always felt abundant and independent as that's what my job was supposed  to give me. When my feelings got aligned with my words, I attracted who I was.
So what you have known about law of attraction is the half-truth. Yes, your thoughts manifest your world but have to be happy and thankful in the present to attract whatever you want. Moreover, you have to believe that it shall be given. Always feel abundant and empowered as universe is on your side.
Please post comments and questions, I will be glad to answer.
Thank you.


  1. I think you are alluding to possess positive thinking as fundamental element in order to achieve what you want. I agree with you in that one needs to believe in what one wants or it would be all in vain.

  2. Agreed! It's a step-by-step approach. Ask for what you want, work towards it, be clear and believe it shall be given. Hurray! It always works like my cooked daal :) :P

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  4. Wel i havent read dat book...but my friend told me about it ..And i m trying to follow da rule of positive.. and i knw what i want ill get it :)..and thanks alot for writinh this blog..it makes me more confident :):)...keep writing

    1. Oh wow... I am happy to hear this. Just do it from the heart and be happy:)

  5. So true!! Just knowledge about something is not enough to manifest that into your life. You have to convert your thoughts into actions and only then can one see their wishes come true ... Explained so well Divya, always love reading your posts coz you add a different perspective everytime .. keep 'em coming, Girl 💖

  6. I love the way you live the life. And see the world im always be happy when i found peopple with so active energy to give and with a big heart to recive , namaste divya

    1. gracias Anderson.... :)
      estoy feliz de conocerte :)

  7. It is always refreshing to gain a positive perspective at living life, thanks to you this post did that for me. I agree, writing goals really helps something that I started with recently and the joy of clearing it off after completion is wonderful. Looking forward to more such posts. Keep writing :)

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  9. Dear divya....you bring out positivity in abundance....i strongly believe that if one believes in oneself then only positvity rules in ones life......and thus it makes everything beautiful around.
    Thanks for being such a wonderful spiritual master....:)

    1. I am touched by your words and happy to hear that it rings the bell in you too :)

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  10. Good to read this. You write well on this genre. Reminds me of your newspaper articles :)
